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About ArgoLog

ArgoLog is an Amateur Radio Logging Engine. What this means is that in its fundamental form, it is a QSO logging program written in Java. It can also be a Amateur Radio contesting program based on a set of scripts that the program will use. This way, any contest will be supported by ArgoLog by scripts supplied by the Amateur Radio Community. ArgoLog will have both a Web and Text based interface similar to contesting programs available today.

ArgoLog will support multiple log entries screens so that it can be used in a multi-op contesting environment. ArgoLog will use JDBC for all of its database connections so any type of database can be used (as long as their is a JDBC Driver for it). There will be an XML based configuration file that will define these database configurations.


ArgoLog will provide a robust logging engine that can be customized to many different contests or logging applications.

ArgoLog will be portable to both UNIX and Windows.

ArgoLog will be a community Project. The Amateur Radio Community will be involved with the development of ArgoLog by the use of scripts. This way, the core development team (at this time me) can focus on the engine while the Amateur Radio Community can focus on adding more contests to ArgoLog. Also, the Amateur Radio Community is welcome to contribute to the design and development of ArgoLog as well.

ArgoLog will be Open Source and licensed under the GPL.

ArgoLog will be Object Oriented including the design process. The Design will use the Unified Modeling Language (UML)

ArgoLog will be free.

ArgoLog will use technologies such as Simpkin Scripts and XML.

ArgoLog will be available by Field Day 2002 for the first field test.

Support Goals

I hope to provide support as best as I can when ArgoLog is released. However, I would like to establish a support community as the primary mode of support. Forums provided by SourceForge will provide this outlet.

The Design Phase has just started on ArgoLog and the first release will probably be available by the spring of 2002. ArgoLog should be fully operational by Field Day 2002. If you are interested in ArgoLog in anyway, please contact me.

I will be posting updates soon to this site on the progress of ArgoLog.

73 de N8XE
Jason Hissong

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